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Pet stores sell milk formula for dogs and cats.

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Q: Where do you get puppy or kitten milk?
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Related questions

Where would you get kitten or puppy milk?

A kitten, or a puppy.

I have 3 baby mice and cant buy warm milk or kitten milk or puppy milk what else can i feed them?

They have to have kitten or puppy milk.

What milk can you feed a baby chipmunk?

kitten or puppy formula

Cat is to kitten as cow is to?

Hay. Or Silage. Or Grass. Or Grain. Take your pick.

Is there a difference in between a kitten and puppy?

A kitten is a baby Cat and a puppy is a baby dog

Will milk mess up a six month old puppies stomach?

yes, no dogs or cats should be given milk unless a vet tells you to and then it`s puppy or kitten milk

what is cuter a puppy or a kitten no in between?

A Kitten is cuter to me

Anna Wilson author of puppy power?

yes she is the author of puppy love pup idol and puppy power(and kitten kaboodle,kitten smitten,kitten cupid and monkey buisness)

What is a puppy cat?

a kitten

If dog is to puppy cat is to?


What do humans feed abandoned baby mice?

It is best to feed an abandoned baby mouse regular or kitten/puppy milk mix diluted in water. Once it has opened its eyes it is ok to start giving it bits of solid foods like cheese, or specialized mouse food. It is best to feed an abandoned baby mouse regular or kitten/puppy milk mix diluted in water. Once it has opened its eyes it is ok to start giving it bits of solid foods like cheese, or specialized mouse food.

Can you give baby mice buffalo's milk?

No. Bufflo are just giant, grizzly, wild type cattle. Baby mice can only have high fat, lactose free milks such as puppy or kitten milk.