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Usually Parrot Port, for between 32 and 40 doubloons.

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Parrot port

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Q: Where do you get the most money for medicine on Skullduggery Island?
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What island buys grain for the most on poptropica skullduggery?

Parrot Port has the highest price on medicine. It is the island in the easternmost island.

Where does medicine sell for the most in skullduggery poptropica?

The amounts of cost for medicine, silk, spice, and grain are changing all the time. The best way to get profits is to go to each island clockwise, buying the cheapest thing and selling it at the next island for a lot of money.

What island pays the most for spice in Skullduggery Island?

dragon cove by far

On Skullduggery Island which port is the most expensive?

Parrot Port

What is the most difficult island on Poptropica?

Probably the most difficult island on poptropica is the latest one, Skullduggery. However, it is a matter of opinion. Besides Skullduggery , thay are pretty much the same.=)

What sells for the most on Skullduggery Island?

What I do is start at Bouffant Bay then I buy all the Medicine I can hold. Then I go to Parrot Port and sell it all for a great profit. I beat the Skullduggery Island but when I'm bored I go on poptropica and keep trading those things and so far I have 2,641,998 doubloons. =D

Where do you get the most money for silk on Skullduggery Island?

At Bouffant Bay, with a high price around 40. You can buy it at Dragon Cove for as little as 13 to 15.

On which island does medicine cost the most on Skullduggery Island?

Either Parrot Port or Golden Harbor, usually Parrot Port. Prices constantly change. Parrot Port is the exception to the clockwise trading route because nothing is ever very cheap to buy there.

What is the trading route on Skullduggery Island?

You trade going clockwise. This allows you, most of the time, to buy something cheaply and sell it for much more at another island -- the one clockwise from it. Dragon Cove : always cheapest for silk, pays the most for spice Bouffant Bay : always cheapest for medicine, pays the most for silk Parrot Port : nothing cheap to buy, pays the most for medicine Golden Harbor : always cheapest for grain, pays second-most for medicine Pirate Outpost : always cheapest for spice, pays the most for grain

Who pays the most for silk on Skullduggery Island?

The price is highest at Bouffant Bay, 2 to 3 times what it costs at Dragon Cove.

How much many units of cargo should you sell or buy on Skullduggery Island?

Start off in one island, and buy the cheapest thing there the most you can. Next, go to the other island clockwise and sell the most expensive item which should be what you have of most of. Then start the process again.

Where does silk cost the most on Skullduggery Island?

It has the highest price at Bouffant Bay, averaging 32 to 40.