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The weed whacker attachment for the Mech Walker is in a secret compartment in the Captain's Quarters atop the Hub. You will find the Bridge Key there also, along with the bones of the late Captain Ziggs.

To get to the Captain's Quarters, you will need to go underground to restore the power to the Hub and the elevator.

The Mech walker is in the garage left of Sully's, and you have to complete its construction before you attach the Weed Whacker.


The Weed Whacker attachment for the Mech is in the closet/secret passageway in the Captain's Quarters on top of the Hub.


To restore power to the Hub and find the Weed Whacker:

  1. Get the multi-tool from the Cantina and the Steam Battery from the nearby trash bin.
  2. Throw the lever at the top and climb the building (the City Center) to enter the Mayor's office through the skylight (get the code number 516).
  3. Go to the left, past Sully's, and find the Robot Crab at the Living quarters.
  4. Jump on the crab to get it and the key to Sully's.
  5. Go left and get the old vine from the roof of the building.
  6. Return to Sully's and use the Steam Battery to open it.
  7. Get the Rubber mallet from the trash and ring the bell to wake up Sprocket.
  8. Go to the hot hatch at the Hub and have Sprocket drop the crab on it.
  9. Go underground and use the vine to steam the attacking monster plant.
  10. Solve the three puzzle mazes to turn on the power to the Hub.
  11. Go out and climb the right side to turn on the switch for the Hub.
  12. Climb the vines at left, then ride the rotating platform to reach the upper right, and cross to the elevator
  13. Enter the quarters of Captain Ziggs and save Sprocket.
  14. Use the combination 0516 to open the secret compartment.
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6y ago

Go up the elevator to Captain Zigg's room. It's attached to a weed on the roof of the room.

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Q: Where do you get the weed whacker on steamworks island?
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How do you attach the weed whacker on Steamworks Island?

After building the mech (get the motor and crank), climb aboard the Mech and select Equip on the Weed Whacker on your items. To use the Weed Whacker to "splat" plants, aim up or down with your mouse and press the spacebar.

How do you control the weed whacker on Steamworks island?

Once you have attached the Mech Crank and the motor, enable the Mech Weed Whacker and use the spacebar to whack the weeds (you need at least two hits per section on weed growth).

How do you whack the weeds on steamworks island?

The Weed Whacker attachment is in the quarters of Captain Ziggs, on top of the Hub. You have to complete the Mech in the garage next to Sully's, then attach the Whacker to it. This will let you enter the door at the far left of the island, using the spacebar to activate the Whacker.

How do you clear away the weeds on steamworks island?

You cut the weeds blocking the door of the Storeroom far left of the island) with the Weed Whacker. The weed whacker is in Captain Ziggs' room atop the Hub, and must be attached to the Mech Walker (in the garage next to Sully's). Finishing the Mech requires the Mech Motor and Mech Crank.

What do you do with the mech on steamworks island?

The Mech Walker is the key to entering the storeroom and defeating the monster plants that are active there. Once you finish the Mech with the Motor and Crank, you can attach the Weed Whacker attachment and enter the door at the far left of the island.

Is it called a weed hacker or a weed whacker?

weed whacker

Is it called weed eater or weed whacker?

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Where are all the keys on steamworks island?

One is in the crab, one is in the captians quarters secret room (also get the weed whacker) and the last one is in the botannical library (across the bridge). the alarm will go off on that one but it doesn't matter.

How do you get past the weeds on steamworks island?

Clearing the weeds from the entrance at far left (the Storeroom) will have to wait until you finish building the Mech walker, which is in the garage next to Sully's. The weed whacker attachment for the Mech is in Captain Zigg's quarters on top of the Hub. When the Mech is finished, climb aboard and use the weed whacker card. Aim with your cursor and press the spacebar to whack weeds.

How do you get into the entrance with the weeds on steamworks island?

Clearing the weeds from the entrance at far left (the Storeroom) will have to wait until you finish building the Mech walker, which is in the garage next to Sully's. The weed whacker attachment for the Mech is in Captain Zigg's quarters on top of the Hub. When the Mech is finished, climb aboard and use the weed whacker card. Aim with your cursor and press the spacebar to whack weeds.