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go to the top of the big shark state .

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Q: Where do you go to enter the code on poptropica shark tooth?
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What is the code in poptropica shark tooth in temple entrance?

The code is OPEN.

What does the wall carvings mean on poptropica?

The wall carvings on Shark Tooth Island in Poptropica can be moved into the correct position. Once the code is entered the temple will open and you can enter.

On poptropica shark tooth island what is the code to the secret door?

its OPEN

What is the code to the face in the temple on shark tooth island on poptropica?

code .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................up down

How do you open the secret code on poptropica shark tooth island?

the code is open and you can get the symbols on top of the entrance of the cave

In shark tooth poptropica where is the rest of the code?

You don't need it. You have all the information you need on the torn sheet.

How do you get past the ancient code on Shark tooth poptropica?

The * will be the things that you click on. . * . * . * * It just looks kind of like a square.

What is the code in poptropica for the shark tooth quest?

I don't remember the symbols to it, but the symbols should spell out OPEN i believe.

What is the heirographicks code for poptropica shark tooth?

the answer is open its pretty simple dont feel bad i needed help too :)

What is the code in poptropica on shark tooth?

You click the 2nd button the top then the forth on the top then the sixth and seventh and boom your ready!

How do you decipher the code to get through the door on Shark Tooth of Poptropica code?

move the block to the vine and don't go up jump onto the roof