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A bruise is the result of breaking small blood vessels in the flesh. If you hit someone hard enough, just about anywhere will leave a bruise.

I'm hoping you're just curious... hitting someone hard enough to cause a bruise can result in serious injury or even death in some cases, so you shouldn't do it.

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Q: Where do you hit someone to leave a bruise?
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Only if it got lodged in someones throat. If it hit someone in the head it would just leave a nasty bruise.

Can someone sue another for suffering a contusion when hit in auto accident?

A contusion is a "BRUISE". Sure, you can sue someone for anything but the real question is should you. Are you really suffering badly from your bruise?

Can you bruise someone with an orange?

You can bruise someone with just about anything.

Can you bruise your lips?

If you get hit in the face hard you can bruise them. Had experience, it hurts.

Do frozen oranges leave bruises?

Do you mean if you are hit with an orange, does it leave a bruise? I suppose it depends on how hard / heavy the orange is, how hard it was thrown, and how eaily you bruise. In the proper setting, almost anything can cause a brusie of some kind to form on very sensitive people.

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If the needle is inserted incorrectly or moved about too much after insertion a bruise can form.

I had a bruise and now a lump under skin of calf what could it be?

It is probably because you have hit your bruise and formed a lump there.

Can you have a seizure from getting hit with a pan?

no but you can get a big bruise.

If you hit your kids with a sack of oranges will it bruise them?


Can massage dissolve hemtoma of muscle?

NO! The body has its own way of healing a bruise. If someone has a bruise - do not massage it!!

You got bruise under your eye by getting hit on the iron post on the road whist cycling but the bruise is still there since two days?

the bruise will be there for a while, you got hit on an iron post! Bruises don't go away immediatly.