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Q: Where do you put them to be recycled?
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Where do you put the cans to be recycled?

In your recycling bin.

Can plants be recycled?

yes put them in da ground

Can low density polyethylene be recycled?

put in recycling bin

How are soil renewed and water recycled?

Yesjust put it back

What happens when products are not recycled?

when products are not recycled they are taken to the dump to either break down, or they dig a massive hole and put the rubbish in.

How is soil recycled?

just put it back where you got it my dear unless you did something to it then do not put it back

Where do you put paper so it can be recycled?

you put your paper in the blue recycle box, and it goes to the recycling yard , and gets put into a machine.

What are recycled shopping bags?

old people, you turn them inside out and put your cans in them

How are hard disk drives recycled?

all you have to do is you have to smash it with the hammer or put it in microwave

How should we dispose of plastics that can't be recycled?

Just put them in normal waste.

How is paper re-cycled?

paper is recycled through photosynthesis

What did they do with clothing of the Jews in concentration camps?

It was generally recycled, put towards the war effort.