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If the victim has not seen this by now (and I sure they have) they either are too frightened or are in denial. It's best to keep out of it because it's a no win situation. Sometimes as much as it hurts us when we see a good friend or family member in a bad situation a few words of wisdom are good, but if they choose not to do anything with your wise words, then it's time to butt out and let them deal with it as best they can.

Except if the person being abused is in real physical danger, in which you might very well notify the authorities and be prepared to offer whatever kind of help is feasible without putting yourself in danger; check out websites for domestic abuse survival.

The current wisdom is not to "back off" but for friends and family to get, if necessary, very aggressive about helping the abused person break free. Where someone's life is in danger, who cares about propriety?
And if the abused woman in that question has children, that makes calling the authorities mandatory -- literally. At least here in New York State, it's ILLEGAL to ignore and fail to report child abuse!

How can you tell if someone is a sociopath?
So, ask yourself. Is he/she scatterbrained and flighty? Does he have trouble in concentrating on more than one thing at a time, to the point that he can endanger his safety or that of others? Does he fly into a rage at the slightest thing? Is he controlling and manipulative? Does he "have to" get rough to have sex? Does he lie a lot, or, if not, at least does he twist and slant the truth and leave out crucial details?

Even if it's "yes" to most of these things, it could be something else.

But it is best to find out.

Numerous websites on the internet will tell you that research using brain scanning technology has recently revealed that the brain of a psychopath functions and processes information differently.

Are you involved with a psychopath (extreme sociopath)? You may not know because they can be very charming and friendly and can appear to be altruistic, until you get close and inevitably they do something threatening or immoral and then you must set limits that disappoint them. The near-constant state of frustration and dissatisfaction felt by a true psychopath is the source of not only their rages but those eerie, on-and-off-like-a-faucet tears. (Yes, tears are seen even in some men, though of course still more common in children and women.)

But, don’t assume anyone is a psychopath based only on the person’s apparent attitude and behavior. It is far more complex than that, including factors in the pattern of the person's life and many other characteristics. Please don’t go around assuming or calling someone a psychopath just because he/she may have some of the warning signs. Get a professional opinion from a qualified mental health professional if you think you are involved with a psychopath. And then ask what to do, not only for the psychopath but for yourself, because being involved with a psychopath is risky.

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14y ago

Theoretically: Sit them down and tell them: "I think you might be a sociopath."

Practically: Chances are, if they have any clue what a sociopath is, they probably know this already and will only be concerned that their "cover has been blown", and if they don't, they probably won't care and will be more concerned that you are causing problems for them. If they need you for their own ends, they will most likely pretend to listen; do not bother to be drawn in.

In short, you may want to tell them (in as relaxed and friendly context as possible) and then move on with your life without them. On the other hand, if you're a nice gentle person, you may prefer to avoid the potential conflict which may result.

If you are personally and closely involved, do yourself a favour; cut your ties and cease to associate with the person.

A previous experience

You cant i have been involved since i was 14 now I'm 41 and we have been off and on until now i have found out everything ,everyday ,event, occasion jewelry is a lie, fake are he stole it, i still care for him but they are unable to care for others because that part of the brain does not function like others its sort of like you holding you hand over fire you know it burns they would not feel it , it is that simple walk away but tell every one around you because they cant stop it will go on they just move on with out anyone punishing them suck it up because you cant make them pay nothing can ever give you back the love and respect that your owed except yourself !

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15y ago

Give them a copy of "The Sociopath Next Door"

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How do you tell someone they are a sociopath?

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How do you tell a sociopath that they are one?

If you were involved with one and he/she is a chameleon and fools others (only for a short time usually) then worry about getting on with your own life and realizing that others can look after themselves. Sociopath/narcissist will hang themselves every time ... they just have to open their mouths!

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Definitely tell people! They need to know!

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looking in their eyes is the best bet. the eyes tell all

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you get a restraining order and you tell the judge that he is a sico and then your child will be safe

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next time she flips out, call the cops and tell them that you feel your life is in danger. there really isn't a way to convince them. i am truly sorry that you have a sociopath in your house.

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being in public is one of the very few ways to be safe around a sociopath. you shouldn't ever be alone around a sociopath. they can be extremely dangerous. think of them as a very large predator and act accordingly

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The sociopath lacked empathy and manipulated others for personal gain.

How do you live with a sociopath?

You don't. Get as far away from a sociopath as you possibly can.

If you believe your spouse is a sociopath and you have an infant together and a pending divorce should you fight for sole custody of the infant child?

If you feel your child is in danger than I would say yes but if you feel he is a sociopath than maybe you might want to consider consulting your question towards a professional who could tell you the safest way of going about dealing with a sociopath.