

Where do zombies Bite?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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Q: Where do zombies Bite?
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What happens when zombies bite you?

Zombies do not exist, therefore it is unknown what effects an alive-corpse's bite would have on you.

Does rabbits bite people?

No,the rabbits not bite people...Only if they have rabies(the zombies)...

What about zombies should know?

they bite you and eat your organs

Why do zombies bite people?

Actually zombies don't bite people, they try to eat there brains or something... lol zombies don't eat brains. the human skull is far too strong for a human jaw to break, plus, zombies just bite any part of your body they can get. if a zombie ate your brain, you wouldn't reanimate (all organs in the zombie's body is dead exept the brain, so that's why you have to shoot 'em in the head) because without a brain, nothing tells your body what to do. anyhow, why do zombies bite people? and why do zombies never attack other zombies? well, because the virus reconfigures the brain to a whole new function, running on instincts rather than thought. the virus also adds another instinct to the zombie, which somehow can tell humans from zombies. the reason why zombies bite people is the virus tells them to. the virus wants more hosts.

How do get zombies to not touch you in world at war zombies?

You run away to make sure they don't touch, bite, or scratch or other wise..

When will zombies eat you?

They will always eat anyone-hungry or not. Just one bite and they will eat you, no question about it.

Can zombies get frost bite?

Unfortunately yes they are vulnerable to the cold elements, they can't feel it though:) lucky for them.

What can zombies to you?

well a Zombies senses heat beacuse thats how they tell your alive and then they attck you and bite your genitals off then they lick your face and fart on it like my cousin then they fall in love with you cause your dead

What is the cure when people turn into zombies?

You must get the poison from the zombie bite out of the person. Only another zombie can suck the poison out of them.

How do you make a zombie?

Usually zombies are produced by an exchange of bodily fluids with another zombie. The simplest way is through a bite.

What is zombies weakness?

Mouth or Head because they can't bite with out mouths or move without heads. WOW I answered my question.

How many car parts are in dude and zombies?

In the flash game dude and zombies, you need to repair 6 pieces of your broken down vehicle while hordes zombie maliciously punch, bite, and try to kill you.