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she first meet him in prison.

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Q: Where does Athena meet Odysseus for the first time?
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Who helped Odysseus?

Telemachus , his son, helped Him throughout the whole time.

Why does Odysseus meet the shades he does?

along time ago

Whom does Athena instruct Odysseus to visit first?

Athena was planning for the suitors to die, and while Odysseus was good, he wasn't good enough to kill more than a hundred people without a little help. So she sent him to an ally- Eumaeus, faithful to Odysseus the whole time, and disgusted by the suitors. That, and it gave Ody a place to rest, recuperate, and gain information.

How does Athena help Penelope?

When Athena visits Penelope and Telemachus the first time, Penelope becomes sad when she hears the song of the homecoming of the Akhaians (Greeks) after the Trojan War, as it reminds her of her husband's absence. Penelope then goes to her room and weeps for Odysseus.

How does Odysseus reveal his identity to telemachus?

Athena transforms Odysseus and makes him appear majestic so much so that Telemachus mistakes Odysseus for a god. Odysseus tells Telemachus that he is indeed his father, and it takes a little time for him to convince him of this.

How old was Odysseus' son when he met his father for the first time?

Telemachus was 0, or newly born when he met Odysseus for the first time. When Telemachus first met Odysseus after Odysseus' return from the war he was 20 years old.

Who does Athena love?

she is very fond of Odysseus, but she was an virgin, so she does not particularly love any of them, reason overrules every time. (to her)

How many of Odysseus' men did the cyclops Polyphemus kill and eat?

The Cyclops (Polyphemus) ate six of Odysseus' men.Polyphemus eats two men the first time they meet at night, two in the morning for breakfast, and two more after the day's work is done.

How did Odysseus react when he was reunited with his son?

When Odysseus was reunited with his son Telemachus, he initially tested his son to make sure it was truly him. Once convinced of Telemachus's identity, Odysseus embraced him warmly and they shared a tearful reunion. Odysseus also expressed his pride in his son's growth and maturity during their time apart.

When Odysseus returns home to Ithaca what does he disguise himself as?

Odysseus is disguises himself as an Soldier, with the help of Athena. They said at one time that it was an old begger but i looked into it and found out it was really a soldier it suprised me a little but if you think about it, it makes perfect since

Why is Eumaeus excited to see Telemachus?

Eumaeus is excited to see Telemachus because he has not seen him in a long time, and Telemachus is like a son to him. Telemachus' return also signifies a change in the household and brings hope for the future of Odysseus' house.

What role does Athena play in reuniting Odysseus with his son Telemachus?

As far as the reunion of father and son is concerned, we see a key moments in this event in Odyssey 13 and 15. In Odyssey 13, when Odysseus returns to Ithaca, he encountered Athena, who disguises him as a beggar and tells him to go first to the hut of the swineherd Eumaeus.Similarly, in Odyssey 15, Athena visits Telemachus, who has been out searching for his father. The goddess meets him in Lacedaemon (Sparta) and tells him it is time to return home to Ithaca. When Telemachus arrives in Ithaca, she also tells him to go to the hut of the swineherd Eumaeaus.