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Q: How much uranium does Australia export?
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Why does Australia have so much uranium and how much exactly is there?

The known reserves uf uranium in Australia are now approx. 1 700 00o t.

How much uranium does Australia use?

On the basis of December 2012 data Australia has 29% of the world's uranium resources – 1.7 million tonnes of uranium.

What does Australia export to Italy?

wool, coal, some sorts of foods, clothing, natural gas, uranium, animal skins etc.

How much uranium does Australia have?

There are several uranium sights in South Australia. These include the Olympic Dam mine, the Beverley mine, and the Honeymoon mine. These produce over $900 million per year in export income. There is also a large mine in the Northern Territory called the Ranger mine.

Uranium in Australia?

Links to Uranium in Australia below.

How much gold does Australia export to UK?

15 tonnes =]

Is uranium mined in Australia?

Yes, uranium is mined in Australia it is mined in South Australia

How is uranium mined in Australia?

Australia has important uranium mines as Ranger, Beverley and Olympic Dam. Also Australia has huge reserves of uranium.

What is the major export of Australia?

i think that the major export Australia is wool

What is Australia's largest export?

the Australia's largest export market is coal

Where does nuclear energy come from in Australia?

There is only one nuclear power station in Sydney, which is used for research purposes. Other than this they play no role in providing power in Australia. Australia does however have the resources of uranium for it but export the majority of it to China.

What two products form most of Central Africa's export income?

Uranium and Diamonds