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Q: Where does Circe tell Odysseus to go upon leaving her?
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How does Odysseus respond to the shipwreck that he meets upon leaving calypso?

He feels very lucky to be alive.

What is phaecia in Greek mythology?

Phaecia was means "magic" and it was an island in the story The Odyssey where the goddess Circe lived.. Odysseus landed upon this island on his journey back home to Itacha.

What did Circe ask of Odysseus in exchange for freeing his men?

She asked that Odysseus eat and drink. Odysseus made the demand of freeing his men upon her, not the other way around, before he would eat, drink and be 'friendly' with her again. After freeing the men, she tells Odysseus to bring his ship ashore, hide it, and bring the rest of his men.

How did the sirens die?

They either never died, or they drowned and turned to stone upon Odysseus leaving them after hearing their song and being 'unmoved' to take to the sea and drown.

Who kills all of Odysseus' men leaving only Odysseus alive?

The suitors in Odysseus' home, who have been vying for Penelope's hand in marriage during his absence, are killed by Odysseus upon his return. His men are killed by various creatures and challenges during their journey back from the Trojan War.

How did Apollo help Odysseus?

In the Iliad, Apollo cast a plague upon the Greeks for refusing to allow the ransom of the daughter of one of his priests. This does not help Odysseus at all. Apollo was not a significant figure in the Odyssey.

What does poseidon want to take revenge upon Odysseus?

Odysseus blinded his son

Why do Odysseus' men not get home?

All of Odysseus men die upon the journey home.

Who was the goddess who turns men into pigs?

Circe, as seen in the Oddyssey. Ulisses comes upon her island in one of his travels, and it is in that island that she turns his fellow sailors to pigs.

How do the Phaecians treat Odysseus?

In addition to clothing and feeding Odysseus, the Phaecians heap many treasures upon Odysseus and return him home to Ithaca.

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Why does the god and goddesses punished Odysseus?

Odysseus hurt the Cyclopes, son of Posiedon. Polyphemus cursed Odysseus upon hisexit from the island. Posiedon then proceeded to punish Odysseus for his hurting of his son.