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Ephesians 6:4

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Q: Where does God tell the parents provoke not thy child to anger?
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Do doctors have to tell parents if child has asma or can it be confidential?

it depends on the age of the child.

Did paul cezanne tell his parents about his child?

Not for many years.

Does the principal have to tell the parents of a 18 yr old senior where that child is staying?

you have to have a parents consent

Who tells a child when their parents die?

Usually a family member or a close family friend will tell a child when a parent (or both parents) die :(

Is it illegal for an adopted grandparent to christen a child and not tell parents?

Unless the child was forcibly taken from the home, no.

Can doctor tell parents that their child has drugs in their system if they don't ask?

If the child is under 18 and the doctor feels it is necessary to tell the parents, then yes. But if the parents dont ask, then the doctor wouldn't perform a drug test and would usually have no way of knowing.

How would you tell a child about his or hers parent cheating on the other?

You don't. The issues between the parents are between the parents.

What if you are pregnant and your babysdaddy wants to be in the child's life but doesn't want to tell his parents?

Welcome the father's involvement. Tell him it's unrealistic not to tell his parents; the baby has a right to know his or her grandparents, after all.

What are the things that you hate your parents to do?

I hate it when they tell me I can't have a boyfriend and they treat me like a child.

How do you respond to a father with anger issues who verbally abuses your entire family?

Tell a school counselor or Child Protective Services. Let them deal with him.

How do you congratulate parents for the new born baby?

You can tell the parents how beautiful their new born child is and how the child resembles the parents. Additionally, many people buy baby gifts and baby clothes to celebrate the birth of the new born.

Do siblings have the right to visit after adoption?

I believe it would all depend on the adoptive parents. I think they would have final say if they want any of the child's birth family involved in the child's life. The adoptive parents if they were to allow it, might also limit the amount of information you could tell the child (depending on the age of the child) such as if you can tell the child you are their sibling or if you can only be known as a friend.