

Best Answer

It is a Latin word "Oct" means 8, the eighth month. (I know it is now the 10th month but in Roman Times there were fewer months recognized).

The Roman Calendar had 10 Months.

  1. Martius
  2. Aprilis
  3. Maius
  4. Iunius
  5. Quintilis (Quin=5)
  6. Sextilis (Sex= 6)
  7. September (Sep=7)
  8. October (Oct= 8)
  9. November (Novem= 9)
  10. December (Dec=10)
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6mo ago

The name "October" originates from the Latin word "octo," which means "eight." Originally, the Roman calendar began with March, making October the eighth month. However, when the calendar was later reformed to begin with January, October retained its name.

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