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Q: Where does Odysseus journey after leaving Circe?
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What did Circe give to Odysseus to take with him on this journey?


What prediction does Circe make to Odysseus about his journey home?

they will die and fail

What two women detained Odysseus during his journey?

They were Circe and Kalypso.

What three women help Odysseus on his journey?

Circe, Calypso, Ino, and Nausicaa help Odysseus. Athena helps Odysseus as well.

Where does circe tell Odysseus he must go before leaving her?

The land of the deads

Who is the Enchantress in The Odyssey?

In the Odyssey, the Enchantress is Circe. She is a powerful sorceress who turns Odysseus's men into swine and captivates Odysseus with her magic. Odysseus eventually persuades her to use her powers to help him on his journey home.

What happened between Circe and Odysseus?

Circe is the witch-goddess that Odysseus and his crew meet after leaving the Cyclops Polyphemus's island. Odysseus sends a party of 23 men to search Aeaea (the name of the island and Circe's home). Circe invited them into her home and gave them food, but they all behaved like pigs, so that's exactly what Circe turns them into. Eurylochus, one of the men, does not eat, and he runs back to Odysseus to tell him. When Odysseus leaves, he meets Hermes, the messenger god who gives him a plant to protect him from the magic of Circe. being unable to defeat Odysseus, frees his men, but persuades Odysseus to stay with her. after the seasons pass though, Odysseus asks her to help him and his men go home. Circe tells him to seek out the blind prophet Teiresias in the land of the dead for a prophecy about his journey.

Who all did Odysseus sleep with while away on his journey?

circe and calypso. both were goddesses

Do Odysseus and his men encounter any gods or goddesses on their journey?

Circe is a goddess.

How does Circe both hinder and help Odysseus?

Circe hinders Odysseus by turning his men into swine with her magic, delaying their journey home. However, she eventually helps Odysseus by advising him on how to navigate the dangers ahead on his journey and providing valuable information that aids him in his quest to return to Ithaca.

Did Odysseus sleep with Circe?

Yes, in Homer's "The Odyssey," Odysseus did have a sexual relationship with the sorceress Circe during his journey back to Ithaca. She turned some of his men into pigs and then seduced Odysseus, who stayed with her for a year.

What happen in the island of circe?

In the island of Circe, Odysseus' men are turned into pigs by the enchantress Circe. With the help of Hermes, Odysseus resists her magic and convinces her to turn his men back into humans. Odysseus and his crew then stay on the island for a year, enjoying Circe's hospitality before continuing on their journey.