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Romeo spends the night with Juliet before he gets banished. They spent their last hours together before Romeo is forced to flee from Verona.

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Q: Where does Romeo stay on the night he gets banished?
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Where is romeo going to stay while he is banished?

Romeo will stay in Mantua while he is banished from Verona. He flees Verona after being exiled by Prince Escalus for killing Tybalt. The Friar arranges for Romeo to stay in Mantua until things calm down.

What happened to Romeo when he killed Tybalt?

Juliet struggles to accept that her husband has killed her cousin and is forced to decide who she would remain loyal to. Eventually, she decides to forgive and stay loyal to Romeo. She then sends to the Nurse to Friar Lawrence's cell to make arrangements for Romeo and Juliet to have their wedding night together before he leaves for Mantua.

Why does juliet claim to hear a nightingale?

Juliet claims to hear a nightingale because she wants to convince Romeo that it is still night, so he does not have to leave. The nightingale's song is typically heard at night, and Juliet hopes that by pretending it is the nightingale, Romeo will stay with her longer.

Where will romeo flee to after seeing Juliet for the last time?

Romeo is banished to Mantua after seeing Juliet for the last time. He cannot stay in Verona due to the Prince's orders following the altercation between himself and Tybalt, leading to his exile.

Do savanna stay hot or do it get cold?

it stays hot but gets cold at night

What does Juliet say to get romeo to stay?

She tells him that the bird they hear is not a lark (a morning bird) but rather a nightingale (a night bird).

Why does Juliet after arguing that it is not yet morning and that Romeo should stay suddenly change her mind?

You are referring to the scene where they wake up on the morning after their wedding night. What makes Juliet change her mind is that Romeo agrees with her. She is fancifully saying it's not really morning and he can stay a bit longer, and that's ok when it's wishful thinking. But when Romeo says that he WILL stay a bit longer, suddenly she realizes that she had better be careful what she wishes for. If Romeo stays too long, he will be captured and put to death, and she doesn't want that. What she really wants is not for him to stay until he is captured but for him to go and avoid capture.

What Does Tybalt Do That Dangerous?

Tybalt is important because he is the foundation of the story; without him there probably wouldn't be a story. If Tybalt hadn't have fought Mercutio and killed him, Romeo wouldn't have killed Tybalt in return, and therefore wouldn't have been banished. If Romeo wasn't banished, he would be able to stay with Romeo and Juliet and they would not have died in the end. So you see, it is like the domino effect.

What does the word stay mean in Romeo and Juliet?

It means dont move, stay where you are.

Why does Capulet let romeo stay for the party?

Capulet allows Romeo to stay at the party because Tybalt does not recognize him as a Montague. In addition, Capulet does not want to create a scene at the party by causing a confrontation with a guest, so he chooses to let Romeo stay and enjoy the festivities.

What does it mean when you break night?

To stay up all night or to stay out all night.

Is Romeo dating Brandy?

no cuz I am stay away