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Q: Where does TCA cycle take place in animal cells?
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How long does the cell cycle take for animal cells?

~24 hours

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What take place in animal cells?

the processes are nothing :)

Where in your body does the cell cycle take place?

within the cells of your body

Where does lactic acid fermentation take place in animal cells?

The Cytoplasm

Where does protein synthesis take place in animal cells?

In the Rybosomes.

Where does plant respiration take place?

In the mitochondria, just like animal cells.

When does Meiosis take place in an animal with a diplontic life cycle?

Meiosis takes place in an animal with a diplontic life cycle at the point when gametes are being produced. This is also the point in which the eggs and sperm are being created.

Where does glycolysis take place in plant cells?

Glycolysis occurs in the cytosol (fluid part of cytoplasm) in plant cells.

What type of cells do the mitochondria take place in?

Mitochondria is in both animal cells, and plant cells. The mitochondria is the part of the cell that is like the small power house in the animal/plant cell.

Can you find a cytoplasm in a plant cell?

cytoplasm is in both plants and animal cells, it is the place where the chemical reactions take place

Respiration takes place in the cells of most organisms?

Cellular respiration takes place in all cells. However, aerobic cellular respiration does not take place in all cells. Many cells undergo anaerobic cellular respiration.