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Q: Where does a cell get its energy what types of cells would need more of these organelles?
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Which cell organelles would be present in greater numbers in muscle cells than cells from lungs?

Likely mitochondria as muscles cells require more energy to do work

How does organelles' size compare to the size of a cell?

Organelle's are in cells, therefore organelles would be smaller than cells... I think

Would you die without mitochondria?

Mitochondria are organelles that all of your cells contain. These organelles role is to harness energy for the cell through different chemical reactions. If all of your mitochondria "die" or more likely stop converting energy your cells would no longer have any energy, and without energy life becomes rather tough. I don't mean that in a you're tired type of way, but rather a cellular death type.

What is the correlation between the energy requirements of cells and the number of mitochondria in cells?

Cells that are highly metabolically active have a high energy requirement for metabolic processes. Such cells include liver cells, muscle cells and sperm cells. These types of cell therefore have high numbers of mitochondria, the organelles that act as the site of aerobic respiration. This is because they need a plentiful supply of ATP (adenosine triphosphate, the energy-carrier molecule) for metabolic processes.

Where would old cells organelles be broken down?

The vacuole

What part do cells have?

All cells MUST have a nucleus.

What organelles would you expect to find in animal cells but not plant cells?

Chloroplasts, and a cell wall.

What cells are prokaryotes?

Prokaryotic Cells are cells that have to have organelles that are not surrounded by a membrane and do have ribosomes. Their DNA is in the shape of a circle. They have no nucleus, the DNA is bunched up in the cytoplasm. The type of cells that are prokaryotic are bacteria and only bacteria cells.

What two organelles would you expect to see if the cells were from a animal?


What organelles would you find expect to find in plant cells but not animal cells?

Chloroplasts, and a cell wall.

What are the organelles that transfer energy from organic compounds to ATP?

In both plant and animal cells, mitochonria are responsible for energy transfer. They are the sites of the a metabolic process in which ATP is generated from extracting energy from sugars, fats, and other fuels.In plant cells only, chloroplasts are responsible for energy transfer; they are the sites of photosynthesis.

How would mitochondria have an impact in sports performance?

Since the mitochondria produce energy for the body's cells, they are essential in physical activity as more energy is used so more energy must be provided to the muscle cells. People who are able to develop more red blood cells at high altitudes are able to provide their cells with more oxygen so can make more energy quicker. Mitochondria are the organelles that produce energy in the form of ATP for a cell.