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Q: Where does a cell store its waste?
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What part of the cell that store food water and waste?

Vacuoles are organelles that store waste and water. They are the trash bins of the cell.

If cell has waste it needs to store it will store it?


If a cell has waste it needs store it will store where?


Where does a cell store waste that it needs to store?

The lysosome, it also destroys the waste

Where do you store a cell's waste?

its an enzyme

What does the vacuoles in a cell?

The vacuoles store food,, water and waste in a cell.

What do the vacuoles do in the cell?

The vacuoles store food water and waste in a cell

If a cell has waste it needs to store where will it store it?

Pedro is very cool

Which cell store food water and waste?

a vacuole

What part of the cell stores waste water and food?

Vacuoles are organelles that store waste and water. They are the trash bins of the cell.

What type of cell has a large valcoule to store food?

The plant cell has a vacoule to store water, food, and waste

If a cell has waste it needs to store it will store it?

Pedro is very cool