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On the main sequence.

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Q: Where does a star spend most of its lifetime on the h-r diagram?
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Where does a star spend most of its lifetime on an h r diagram?

MAIN-SEQUENCE The average star spends 90% of its life as a hydrogen burning MS star.

Where does a star spend most of its life on an hr diagram?

On the main sequence.

How does the main-sequence lifetime of a star compare to its entire fusion lifetime?

Stars spend about 90% of their fusion lifetimes on the main sequence.

Will a star spend most of its life as a protostar?

No, it will spend most of it's life as a main sequence star.

At what stage in star development does a star spend most of its life?

A Star spends most of its life on the "main sequence" of the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram (see related link below). While here it is called a "main sequence" star and its source of energy during this phase of its life is the fusion of hydrogen into helium in its core.

What does a star primarily burn in its lifetime?

Most stars, for most of their existence, fuse hydrogen into helium.

How does a star's mass indicate lifetime?

When a star is at the end of its lifetime its mass increases.

How long does an massive star live?

The lifetime of a star varies a lot, depending on its exact mass. The lifetime of a star can be anywhere from just a few million years for the most massive stars, to trillions of years for red dwarves.

What dose the lifetime of a star depend on?

Mainly its mass. The most massive stars develop the most quickly.

How long can a star fish stay in water?

Starfish can easily spend a lifetime underwater. Star-pads, on the other hand, can only survive in rock-pools because they need the high level of oxygen

Are most of the stars on the HR diagram are classified as which type of star?

stars there called stars

Most of the stars on the HR Diagram are classified as which type of star?

stars there called stars