

Where does all the stuff from the black hole go?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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A black hole isn't a tunnel to somewhere else. It just does to the center of the black hole, and is crushed into a little speck.

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Q: Where does all the stuff from the black hole go?
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Where will you go in a black hole it?

If you fall into a black hole, you'll go into the black hole and nowhere else.

Where does the stuff a black hole suck in go?

Things falling into a black hole are ripped apart by tidal force, become a stream of their constituent atoms. These atoms are further shredded by the time they reach the singularity, and the mass of what is sucked in is added to the mass of the black hole.

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Into the black hole's singularity.

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Into the black hole.

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noone can go black hole as the name suggest it is a hole which is black so how any one can go ad com back...

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It depends, Black holes can go from being microscopic to supermassive black holes that entire galaxies revolve around. It all depends on which black hole and which quasar.

What preson went to the black hole?

Nobody went to any black hole, I can tell you that. If anyone were to go into one, they would be spaghettifyed! Also, if anyone made it into a black hole and went down all the way and came back out to live to tell the story, they'd go down in history.

Wuld you get killed if you went through a black hole?

You don't go through a black hole, you go into a black hole. And with present day technology, yes, it would crush you to raw energy.

How do you end up in a black hole?

you have to go to space and find one and get sucked into the black hole

How do you kill the tiger on Astro Knights in poptropica?

if your talking about the tiger sharks in space then this is how you do it first you get on shark by shooting at it and then make it follow you to the black hole then go around the very edge of the black hole and go around it then the shark will get sucked in the black hole then keep doing it until all sharks are gone.

Why can't scientists prove what there is inside a black hole?

If you go into a black hole you will be stretch out into two and then you will be crushed.