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The term is applied to many things (and generally it is simply the tax ID number), but in any case, you don't replace that would give you two and cause all types of problems. (Note...a sales tax registration number is NOT a tax exempt number...and in fact is very much the opposite). Simply contact the jurisdiction or regulator (State, IRS, whatever), that you need it from, and find out what they need to provide it to you. It's going to be something like authorized/notarized/certified of who you are and something from the Corporation like Board Minutes, certifying you have the rifght to request it...or if your lucky, less. is on something...being exempt from paying is by no means exempt from filing....lots of stuff, maybe more than many taxable entities...because you have to prove the right to exemption...and even then, not all income is exempt. So look at old filings...look at the mailings you get from whomever....along wirth the name the taxpayer ID is likely included too.

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Q: Where does an Organization replace lost tax exempt number?
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Can a church lose its tax exempt status?

Yes they can, but they have to really try to. In 2000 a church lost a long court battle with the IRS over its tax exempt status after placing adds in local newspapers against Bill Clinton during one of his presidential campaigns. The add called for Christians to give them money to place more adds and even advertised that these donations would be tax exempt.

How do a letter requesting a replacement check?

You should get in touch with an organization after realizing that you have lost their checks. Next, write a letter discussing the lost check with proof it was not cashed.

Can your employer charge you to replace a W-2 that you lost?

Sure, although most will provide a duplicate, at least the first time for a recent year for free. But otherwise, maintaining them, employee time researching and finding them, etc is costly and they deserve to be compensated. They gave it to you for lost it.

Do you pay taxes on money won in a neglagence suit?

It depends on what the award is titiled as.Generally, if it is to replace something you lost (say a car), then no (at least to the degree you didn't already take the loss for taxes). If it is to replace income that would have been taxable, or as punishment to the other, then yes.

How do you get tracking number in pagibigfund?

You can get your tracking number for Pag IBIG Fund when you register for the service online. The number is also sent via email confirmation. If you have lost your confirmation number, you can contact a local branch office or email