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Aorta--> Arteries--> Arterioles--> Capillaries--> venuoles--> Veins--> Vena Cava--> right atrium--> right ventricle--> pulmonary arteries--> pulmonary veins--> left atrium--> back to left ventricle

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Q: Where does blood go when it leaves the left ventricle?
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What would happen if the chordae tendineae were cut?

The chordae tendinae in the left ventricle act as festoons and when left ventricle contracts,these help to close the mitral valve(bicuspid vale) which is between the left atrium and left ventricle.If these chordae are damaged then the closure of this valve is not perfect fit and the blood can regurgitate into the left atrium while the left ventricle is contracting.this is called mitral incompetence.This all depends on the severity of the damage.

Where does the blood go once it is in the atria?

It goes directly from either atrium to the ventricle on the same side.

What is the structure between two heart chambers that allows blood to go only one way?

The human heart is composed of four chambers. They are the right atrium, right ventricle, left atrium and left ventricle. The heart also contains four valves that ensure that blood flows continuously through the heart in the correct direction. Oxygen depleted blood is channeled from the body into the heart through the Inferior and Superior vena cava. It first enters the right atrium then passes through the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle. From there the blood is forced through the pulmonary valve into the pulmonary arteries and on to the lungs where it dumps carbon dioxide and picks up oxygen.The newly oxygenated blood is returned from the lungs to the heart via the pulmonary veins. It enters the left atrium, is forced through the bicuspid valve and into the left ventricle. From there the blood passes through the aortic valve into the aorta (the body's largest artery) which branches into several smaller arteries as it circulates the freshly oxygenated throughout the body

How systemic circulation occur in a frog?

In frogs, systemic circulation starts when oxygenated blood leaves the heart through the left atrium and is pumped out through the left ventricle to the rest of the body via arteries. Oxygen is delivered to tissues, and carbon dioxide is picked up. Deoxygenated blood returns to the heart through veins, re-entering the systemic circulation.

What chamber receives the blood from all parts of the body except the lungs?

Blood from the superior vena cava and inferior vena cava meet to flow into the right atrium, then to the right ventricle, in order to go into the lungs and refresh the oxygen in the blood .

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When blood leaves the aorta where does it go?

left ventricle

When left ventricles contracts where does the blood go?

blood leaves the left ventricle through what blood vessel

Where does the blood go after leaving the left atrium?

After blood leaves the left ventricle, it goes through the aortic valve to be pumped throughout the body.

When blood leaves the ventricles where does it go?

The left Ventricle pumps blood out to your body

Where does the blood go after leaving the right atrium?

right ventricle

Does blood leave the body from the left atrium?

the pulmonary vein bring oxygenated blood from the lungs into the left atrium, where it is pumped into left ventricle, ad up and our through the aorta to around the body. But NO is the answer to your question, it enters into the left atrium, and leaves the heart to go to eh body from the ventricle

To what organ does blood go immediately after it leaves the right ventricle?


Where does the blood go from the left ventricle of the heart?


What allows the blood to leave the left ventricle?

The aortic valve allows the blood to leave the left ventricle.

What is the structure of left atrium?

the left atrium is above the left ventricle. the blood which has been oxygenated from the lungs due to the gas exchange between the alveoli and capillaries comes here from the pulmonary artery this blood then gets sent to the left ventricle through the bicuspid valve this stops the backflow of blood but it allows the blood to go to the left ventricle but does not allow the blood to go back

What is the structure of the atrium?

the left atrium is above the left ventricle. the blood which has been oxygenated from the lungs due to the gas exchange between the alveoli and capillaries comes here from the pulmonary artery this blood then gets sent to the left ventricle through the bicuspid valve this stops the backflow of blood but it allows the blood to go to the left ventricle but does not allow the blood to go back

Where does the blood pumped out of the right atrum go to?

The blood then flows into to the right ventricle, and out into the pulmonary artery through the pulmonic valve.