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Calories is a measure of energy. And in order to create energy, you need "fuel." So are you asking where does the energy go or where does the "fuel" go? If your asking where the energy goes, then it goes to body movement and body heat. If your talking about where the "fuel" goes, then you (for the most part) breath out the fuel. Think of your body like a car: Gas = Food = Fuel Moving the car = body motion = energy Car exhaust = exhale = spent fuel So specifically, you body gets energy by combining Carbon to Oxygen (Co2). The Carbon comes from food we eat. The Oxygen comes from air we brieth. I actually don't know if the above is true, but i think it is. Can somebody that actually studies this for a living? Also, please don't use the word metobolic (sp?).

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11y ago

Burned fat turn into energy....i don't acctually know...sorry

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Q: Where does burned fat go?
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In a sense. Alcohol is metabolized into acetate by the liver, which is then burned for energy. However, it is burned in place of fat that would otherwise be metabolized. The fat is then stored (one cause of the famous "beer belly"). So, it does provide energy, but at the cost of screwing up your fat metabolism. Since the fat would have been burned in place of the acetate (were it not present) there is no real gain and considerable harm.

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B excess fat stores are burned for energy

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well...basically...i should say that the different between fat and carbohydrate is fat doesn't not get burened but carbohydrate does get burned and it'z makes fat

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calories burned- calorie intake positive number = lose fat negative number = gain fat

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How much fat is burned in one mile?

alot so lose weight fast