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Q: Where does carbon in animals come from?
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Where does carbon from photosynthesis come from?

From the animals around it breathing oxygen and converting it to carbon dioxide.

Where does the carbon from photosynthesis come from?

From the animals around it breathing oxygen and converting it to carbon dioxide.

How do animals support plants?

plants need carbon dioxide which come from animals respiration

Describe how the breathing of plants and animals complement one another?

The carbon dioxide that plants take in come from animals. The oxygen that animals take in come from the plants.

Where does c in fossil fuels come from?

The C stands for Carbon. And carbon comes from decomposing materials such as plants and animals.

Where do the carbon atoms come from to produce the certain sugar for photosynthesis?

From the animals around it breathing oxygen and converting it to carbon dioxide.

What is the most available form of carbon for life?

If you mean which isotope, then carbon-12 is the most abundant. If you mean where does the carbon come from, then it's atmospheric carbon dioxide for plants, and food for animals.

Which gas do animals remove from the air?

The gas that is taken in by animals is oxygen. Animals absorb oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Plants take in carbon dioxide and let out oxygen.

How do animals get carbon?

Animals get carbon by eating plants or algae or other animals that have eaten plants.

Where do animals obtain carbon?

From the plants or animals they eat.

Do animal use carbon?

Animals are carbon based lifeforms; their celular structure is based on carbon atoms. Animals consume food made of organic molecules, which are based on carbon atoms. Animals breath out carbon dioxide, CO2. Yes, animals use carbon.

What does cellular respiration play in the carbon cycle?

Animals produce carbon dioxide. Animals produce carbon dioxide