

Where does carlise change edward into a vampier?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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a hospital in Chicago

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Q: Where does carlise change edward into a vampier?
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Who is the second oldest Cullen?

Edward! Carlise made Edward a vampire when he was going to die. Later, Carlise made Rosalie to accompany Edward. So I guess you could say Edward or Rosalie depending on you count Carlise.

What are Edward Cullens parents name?

Esme and carlise Cullen! Esme and carlise Cullen!

How old is edward when he turnd into a vampier?

Edward was 17 when he was turned by Carlisle.

How does Edward become a vampire and how?

Edward and his mother both have the spanish influenza. They are taken ill in hospital and Carlise treats them. Edward's mothers last words were to save Edward so Carlise takes Edward and bites him, therefore he becomes a vampire =0)

Why is Edward Cullen a vampire?

Edward Cullen is a Vampire because Carlisle Cullen changed edward because Carlise grew attached to him in hospital when Edward was dying of Spanish Influenzia. So Carlise took him back to his home and changed Edward. Hope that answers your Question.

Is carlise angry with Edward of Bella?

no he loves them both dearly

When was Edward Cullen tranformed?

1918 by Carlisle. Edward was dying of spanish inflenza it was very hard for Carlise

When is the Cullen crest stated in the book?

The (Cullen crest ) is stated in the book when edward takes his soulmate to be Bella into carlise office where he tells the story of carlise and mentions the crest in the movie it is not stated but it is on Dr. Carlise ring you can read it on chpt. 10 or 11 named the Cullen. PS. TEAM EDWARD

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Edward Cullen..... [: because Carlise is Edward's dad so he is the grandpa.

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he was sick and carlise changed him. Just like edward <3

Did edward's mum married carlise?

Edwards vampire mum gets married to carlisle.

Is edward from twilight a real vampier in life?

No Edward Cullen is not a vampire. The real Edward Cullen is played by Robbert Pattinson and Robert P. is just an actor.