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For beef cows it would be mostly in pastures. For dairy cows, though, it would be in a barn or shed.

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Q: Where does farmer keep their cows in?
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Should a comma go in the sentence Mr Jones the farmer keep cows on his farm?

Yes, or no, it depends on how you say it. you could do it like this, Mr. Jones, the farmer, keeps cows on his farm.

If the farmer decided to keep 10 cows and got rid of 9 how many does he have?

10 Cows. Ten. He Decided to Keep 10 cows, so that is how many he has. He must have had 19 to begin with; since he gave 9 away.

How many cows does the farmer have left if he starts with seventeen cows and all but eight die?

The farmer has eight cows, since all but that many died.

Who breeds cows?

This is usually the bull's job. When a bull is not present, it's up to the farmer to hire an AI tech to get his cows bred, if the farmer doesn't have the expertise him/herself to AI his/her cows.

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a cowculator

Do cows and dairy cows eat wheat?

They can eat wheat but it depends on the farmer if they want to feed cows wheat.

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Why did the cow hate the farmer?

The farmer had no regard for the feeling of udders.

Why do farmers kill cows?

The cows are maybe too weak to care for or the farmer wants the meat. dead cows rawk !!

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Assuming each cow consumes the same amount per day. The farmer has enough for: 30 cows*28 days = 840 cow days or 840 cows for 1 day Therefore he can feed 840 cow*days/35days = 24 cows for 35 days. 30 cows - 24 cows = 6 cows The farmer must get rid of 6 cows.

What is a word for Milks the cows and plows the fields?

A Farmer.

Who many cows does a farmer have?

depends on the size of his farm