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Flowers get their aroma from complex molecular compounds formed in the pollen tube, pollen grains and petals depending upon the type and morphology of flowers and leaves. These organic aromatic compounds are highly volatile and hence its aroma attracts insects. Insects help in pollination as the pollen grains attached to their legs helps in fertilization.

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Q: Where does flower get there aroma?
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What is the flower used for?

Some flower types can be eaten. Flowers are here for us to enjoy their beauty and aroma.

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Is aroma concrete or abstract?

Aroma is an abstract concept. It refers to a quality or sensation that we perceive through our sense of smell, and cannot be physically touched or measured in a concrete way. Aroma is subjective and can vary depending on an individual's experiences and perceptions. While we can identify the source of a particular aroma, such as a flower or a spice, the aroma itself is an abstract concept that exists only in our perception and experience of it.

How does a flower get its smell?

The petals of the flower are the source of the fragrances. The petals house tiny glands that produce essential, or volatile, oils that vaporize easily, often releasing a distinctive aroma. One flower can make dozens of different essential oils, which mingle to yield the flower's unique fragrance.

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What is the smell of the food called?

Aroma The smell of the food is called "Aroma". We say, "This food has a good aroma", or we say, "That this food is aromatic!"

What type of noun is aroma?

aroma is a concrete noun.

What part of speech is aroma?

Aroma is a noun.

Aroma 9 letters?

A word meaning aroma with nine letters is fragrance. Other words that also mean aroma are scent, and odor. A fragrance, or aroma, is something you can smell.

What pronoun would replace the flower'?

The pronouns that replace the plural possessive noun flowers' are:the possessive adjective: theirExample: The flowers' aroma smells wonderful. Their scent reminds me of spring. the possessive pronoun: theirsExample: The flowers' aroma filled the room. The perfume you smell is theirs.

What does aroma means?

An Aroma is the scent which surrounds or emanates from something.

What is the population of Aroma Province?

The population of Aroma Province is 86,480.