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Q: Where does free nitrogen produced by bacteria eventually go?
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Where does the free nitrogen produced by bacteria eventually go?

N2 (Nitrogen) went atmosphere eventually. (By bacteria)

Why is bacteria important to the nitrogen cycle?

bacteria in root fixes free nitrogen ito simple compounds

The conversion of nitrates back into free nitrogen by bacteria in the soil is?

nitrogen cycle

What is Certain bacteria change free nitrogen gas into a usable form in a process?

Nitrogen Cyclenitrogen fixationnitrogennitrogen fixationNitrogen-fixing bacteria

When an organism dies the nitrogen in its body is released by the action of what?

Many living organisms may feed on other organisms that have died. Eventually bacteria free the nitrogren in proteins to the atmosphere.

Why do bacteria play a role in the nitrogen cycle?

Some bacteria have the ability to "fix" nitrogen, that is they can utilize gaseous (atmospheric) nitrogen to produce organic compounds. (They can all break down compounds to free nitrogen too.)

What role does bacteria play in nitrigen fixation?

Most of nitrogen is fixed naturally by bacteria. Most nitrogen fixers are either free or sybiootic eg. Rhizobium.

What is the diffrence between fixed nitrogen and free nitrogen?

OK well free nitrogen is fixed by bacteria that live in the soil. some bacteria live in nodules, or bumps , on certain plant roots. the bacteria get food from the plants, and plants absorb fixed nitrogen from the bacteria. animals get nitrogen by eating plants or by eating prey that have eaten plants. fixed nitrogen may enter the soil in other ways too. a small amount of free nitrogen in the air by lighting. it is carried to the ground by rainfall. fixed nitrogen also enters the soil because of decomposers. decomposers break down dead organisms, and fixed nitrogen is released in the soil. the fixed nitrogen can be absorbed by plant roots.

What bacteria convert nitrites into nitrates?

Nitrogen fixation occurs in1 free living bacteria and archaea e.g. Azotobacter, Klebsiella, Clostridium, and Methanococcus,2 bacteria living in symbiotic association with plants such as legumes e.g. Rhizobium3 cyanobacteria e.g. Nostoc, Anabaena, and Trichodesmia.

What is free nitrogen?

Nitrogen fixation. "nitrogen fixing bacteria" converts free nitrogen from the atmosphere to ammonia. In the presence of Lightening nitrogen and oxygen react together to combine to form nitric oxide (NO), then reacts with water to form nitric acid (HNO3), which is brought to earth by rain. When nitric acid reaches the soil, it ionizes and becomes available to the plants as nitrate.

What do nitogen-fixing bacteria do?

Nitrogen fixing bacteria change nitrogen from the air into nitrogen compounds such as ammonia, nitrate, and nitrogen dioxide. They do so, through two living arrangements. One's as free living bacteria in the soil. The other's in association with plants of the Fabaceae and Leguminosae families, such as beans and peas. In this arrangement, the plant gives the bacteria sugars in the form of exudates [waste products]. In return, the bacteria provides the plant with nitrogen in forms that the plant can take in.

What converts nitrogen from a form that can be assimilated by plants to N2.?

it is bacteria and lightening or decomposers, not sure. I am doing the same biology homework crap that Ms. elliot signed to all the students over break. i am looking for the same answer i think decomposers is the answer. its the one that makes most sense. :D