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mainly through local property

taxes. Over the years, state government has

played a larger and larger role in education-

especially with regard to funding.

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Q: Where does local government get most of its revenue from?
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What are the sources for revenue for local governments?

The main source of local government revenue is intergovernmental transfers.

What are the main sources of revenue for local governments?

The main source of local government revenue is intergovernmental transfers.

Where does most government revenue come from?

Most government revenue comes from us

Local government collect most money by taxing what?

Local government collect most money by taxing products and services. The individual income is also taxed as a way of collecting revenue.

Local government internal revenue generation in Nigeria?

Internal revenue can be greatly improved when the people are motivated by what they see the Local Government do with existing funds.

What are the sources of local government revenue in Malaysia?

The local government operates as a centralized political system. The local Malaysian governments main sources of revenue are land ownership and state water supply.

What is minimum number of special revenue funds you would expect a local government to have?

The local governments usually have multiple Special Revenue Fund.

Where does governments' revenue come from?

Most government revenue comes from us

Does the state or town make the property tax rate?

Most of the time the local governments in the state determines the property tax rate. This is one of the local government's main sources of revenue.

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What are the source of revenue of the local government?

Most local governments get their revenues from either taxes or fees. Taxes are paid by almost everyone. There are municipal taxes, property taxes, business taxes. As for fees, there are a number of them, but many only apply to a specific group of people (hunters pay to get a hunting license, for example; couples who want to marry pay to get a marriage license).

How does the government spend most of its revenue?

well basically..... YOUR MUM