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Mitochondria. The mitochondria's primary function is to convert the potential chemical energy of molecules into a form that the cell can use, which is ATP. It is made my the process of cellular respiration using fuel molecules and Oxygen.

ATP is made up of Adenosine molecule attached to three phosphate groups.

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13y ago
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4mo ago

ATP production occurs primarily in the mitochondria of eukaryotic cells through a process known as cellular respiration. In prokaryotic cells, ATP can also be produced through processes like glycolysis in the cytoplasm. Both aerobic and anaerobic pathways can generate ATP, but aerobic respiration is more efficient due to the presence of oxygen.

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12y ago

most of the atp production is done in the cells of the liver which r called hepatic cells...through many metabolisms like glycolysis, kreb's cycle etc. this is done in the cells containing mitochondria!

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13y ago

The ATP production can occur in two different places:

  • Within the mitochondria, where the vast majority of ATP molecules are manufactured;
  • And in the cytoplasm, where glycolysis can create a net number of 2 ATP molecules.
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14y ago

ATP synthesis takes place within the inner membrane of an organelle called the mitochodrion which, are scattered throughout the cell.

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10y ago

Most ATP production occurs in the mitochondria of the cells. Both animal and plant cells contain mitochondria. They are essential for life.

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15y ago

The mitochondria in the cytoplasm of cells are known as the 'powerhouses', as this is where various reactions such as respiration take place. It is here that ATP is produced and released.

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8y ago

The "ATP system" is found in the mitochondria inside of eukaryotic cells.

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16y ago

in aerobic respiration

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12y ago

In the Calvin Cycle

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Q: Where does Atp production occur?
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Which one of the following processes can occur in the absence of oxygen?

Fermentation can occur in the absence of oxygen. This process allows for the production of energy in the form of ATP without the need for oxygen.

Why would a decreased supply of oxygen result in decreased ATP production?

A decreased supply of oxygen leads to decreased ATP production because oxygen is the final electron acceptor in the electron transport chain, which is essential for generating ATP through oxidative phosphorylation. Without adequate oxygen, the electron transport chain cannot function optimally, resulting in reduced ATP production.

Non-oxidative glycolysis is reliable for?

Non-oxidative glycolysis is reliable for producing ATP quickly during intense exercise or quick bursts of energy when oxygen is limited or unavailable. It allows cells to generate energy anaerobically by breaking down glucose without needing oxygen. This process is not as efficient as oxidative glycolysis in terms of ATP production, but it can sustain energy production in emergency situations.

The proton pump is responsible for the production of?

The proton pump is responsible for the production of ATP in mitochondria through the process of oxidative phosphorylation. It transports protons across the inner mitochondrial membrane, establishing an electrochemical gradient that drives ATP synthase to produce ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate.

The reactions that convert the energy in sunlight into chemical energy of ATP and NADPH?

The reactions that convert the energy in sunlight into chemical energy of ATP and NADPH are called the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis. These reactions occur in the thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts and involve the absorption of light by chlorophyll and other pigments to drive the production of ATP and NADPH through a series of electron transport chain reactions.

Related questions

Where does cellular respiration and production of ATP occur?

Cellular respiration and production of ATP occur in the mitochondria of cells. This organelle is responsible for converting nutrients from food into ATP, which is the main energy source for cellular processes.

Does ATP production occur during fight or flight response?

Yes, ATP production occurs during the fight or flight response. When the body perceives a threat or stress, it triggers the release of adrenaline, which signals cells to increase energy production. This increase in ATP production provides the energy needed for muscles to react quickly to the perceived danger.

Which one of the following processes can occur in the absence of oxygen?

Fermentation can occur in the absence of oxygen. This process allows for the production of energy in the form of ATP without the need for oxygen.

What is the role of ATP in energy production?

ATP fuels the mitochondria in energy production.

What is the effect of ATP on the rate of ATP production?

ATP typically inhibits the rate of ATP production by feedback inhibition. When ATP levels are high, the cell slows down its production of ATP to prevent an overaccumulation of the molecule. This helps maintain cellular homeostasis by ensuring that ATP levels remain within a certain range.

What do mitochondiral and thylakoid membranes have in common?

They both use ATP synthase proteins in ATP production

Do mitochondoria and choloroplast have ATP?

Mitochondria and chloroplasts have ATP because they allow the production of ATP within them.

If a biocide were to block ATP production other than from glycolysis what would be the net ATP output?

If a biocide were to block ATP production from processes other than glycolysis, such as oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria, the net ATP output would likely decrease significantly. ATP production in glycolysis is relatively modest compared to oxidative phosphorylation, so blocking the latter would substantially reduce overall ATP generation in the cell. This disruption could greatly impact cellular functions dependent on ATP availability.

How will a healthy individuals ATP production change during an eight hours fast?

The individual's ATP production will not change significantly.

How much energy ATP is needed for osmosis to occur?

The cell does not need to use any ATP in order for osmosis to occur.

What are the majority of ATP production in stages of aerobic respiration?

The majority of ATP production occurs during electron transport, which produces 34 ATP molecules per glucose molecule.

How is fermentation in the production of ATP?
