

Where does most money from a campaign come from?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: Where does most money from a campaign come from?
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How can you loan your campaign money?

Loaning campaign money is illegal, and violates federal campaign funding laws. Authorities come down hard on people who lend campaign money to themselves and others, as a way of accessing the funds for non-campaign related purposes.

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What costs the most money for a candidate during a campaign?

Probably TV commercials.

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How has the increased cost of election campaign contribute to the decline in trust of the government?

People are spending too much money on the campaign. It has become too much about who has the most money rather than the issues.

Where is the most money spent in a campaign?

While organizing and arranging public rallies can be expensive, advertising takes the gold. It is a huge investment of money and largely where most of the monetary portion of a campaign is devoted to. Candidates have to get their name and face out there. And their willing to use their potential electorate's tax dollars to do it.

Did Donald Trump use his campaign money for personal business?

Well, he certainly funneled campaign money to his businesses.

What most campaign money is spent on?

Generally, TV advertising. Direct mail advertising can also be pretty expensive.

What is the duty of state level party workers?

They help raise campaign money: NOVA NETThey raise campaign money(Nova Net)

What are 3 campaign finance laws?

Not sure what all 3 are but 2 major loopholes in campaign finance laws are soft money and hard money :)

What is Campaign Finance Reform?

Campiagn finance reform is when corporations give the one of the presidents money for their campaign. If the president that the corporation gave money to wins the campaign then the president will treat that corporation better and special.