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Try to find a copy of the film "The Story of Stuff", that explains it very well. Most goes into landfills.

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Q: Where does non recycled waste end up?
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What percent of e waste is recycled?

Only about 7% of the total plastic used is recycled. However, it depends on the type of plastic. Some, such as PET drinks bottles, are recycled to a much greater degree (up to 35%) whereas others such as expanded polystyrene cannot be recycled at all.

What happens to stuff that is recycled?

It is able to be precessed so that the materials do not end up as waste in a landfill and instead are used again. Depending on the material and the purpose for that specific material, it can be recycled into another product (many plastics are made of recycled plastics, and this often happens with papers, too) or it can be used for energy to power other devices in place of fuels or electricity.

What makes up a large portion of trash?

Non or slow biodegradable wastes such as bones, greasy kitchen waste and non recyclables. Everything else goes into separate waste storage bins and is recycled or composted weekly. Our farm with four adults produces less than 10lbs (5 kilos) of waste for a landfill every two weeks.

Why should you dump waste in separate bins?

to increase the amount being recycled and decrease the amount ending up in land fills.

Where do ipods end up after they are no longer useful?

They end up in the bin and then is generated to E-waste.

What are biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste?

Biodegradable waste is a type of waste which can rot and change into manure. Non-biodegradable waste is a type of waste which cannot rot and change into manure. Such waste piles up and causes pollution. There is no way of destroying it except for burning it, which further pollutes the atmosphere.

Where does all of the water from the rivers and the lakes end up in?

It goes underground and gets recycled back into the lake

What happens to material that can't be recycled?

Often the materials will end up in landfills or into the water system into the ocean.

How is recycling good for your environment?

Recycling reduces the waste in the environment. for example plastic or metal if disposed off as rubbish will end up in our earth, water or atmosphere as a pollutant and is eventually harmful for humans, animals or plants. On the other hand, when recycled the same material will be usable.

Make a list of 5 things your family throws away and describe how each of them can be recycled or reused?

1.Empty plastic bottles: Can be recycled by handing them in at a local supermarket. 2.Emty glass bottles: Can be recycled by handing them in at a special container for glass. 3.Toys: Can be given to other children or for example to an orphanage. Toys can be recycled in factories to make new ones. 4.Drink cans: You throw them away in a waste container. They are picked up by trucks and brought to factories for recycling. 5.Empty packages: Can be hand in at waste containers. They are also picked up by trucks and brought to factories for recycling.

How much of the earth's waste is recycled?

Not much of it. Much of the earth's waste is dumped into large holes and left to rote. This left for water to flow through it, and join up with water systems underground, which eventually join up large overland water systems as infected water.

Who files the discharge papers?

People in the administration will end up filing the discharge papers, however most are recycled after their entry into the database