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It directs food to the mouth.

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Q: Where does oral groove found in paramecium?
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What is the function of the oral groove?

an oral groove specially the one found in Paramecium serves as their "mouth" its where their to-be-ingested food enters. an oral groove specially the one found in Paramecium serves as their "mouth" its where their to-be-ingested food enters.

Which protist has an oral groove?

The paramecium.

What is the color of the oral groove of a paramecium?


What is the name for the mouth of the paramecium?

Paramecium have an oral groove that is connected to a cytopharynx that leads to a food vacuole.

What is function of gullet in paramecium?

Carries food from the oral groove to the food vacuole.

Does Cilia help to push food into the paramecium's oral groove?


Where does food collects to form food vacuoles in paramecium?

At the end of the oral groove.

Which of the following protist has a mouthlike opening surrounded by cilia used to consume food?


How does a paramecium eat?

Photosynthesis, or they eat bacteria and organic matter using their gullet.

How does paramecium get food?

Paramecium is a unicellular protozoan. Their body is covered with cilia .They are mostly found in freshwater and ponds. They feed on microscopic structures present in water. Their mean of obtaining food is basically linked to its stucture. It has a flipper shaped body having an oral groove at its anterior end. This groove is lined with cilia. Whenever the paramecium gets in contact to the food its ciliary movement pulls the food and direct it towards the groove. The cilia in the groove then direct food inside. The food gets inside in form of a food vacuole. Digestion and degradation takes inside the vacuole.Ther digested useful part is taken up by the cell and the waste is ejected out through the same groove.

What is the term for the indentation in the paramecium through which food particles enter?

This indentation is called the oral groove which leads to the gullet. See the link below for a diagram:

What is the movement of the paramecium?

Paramecia move cilia on their outsides rhythmically. Because of the disruption in the cell surface caused by the oral groove, paramecia swim in a spiral.