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Q: Where does oxygen gas production happen in a cell?
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Where does oxygen gas production will happen within me?

Nowhere, animals do not produce oxygen.

Part of a cell uses oxygen gas?

I don't know of any common cell that uses oxygen gas. The cells that I know of use dissolved oxygen delivered by the bloodstream.

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It USES oxygen.

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How the chloroplasts of a cell are involved in producing oxygen gas?

Basically the chloroplasts are involved with producing oxygen gas as they capture light as they are a assumed.

What would have to happen to condense oxygen to air?

Condense it from what??? Its a gas.

What gas moves into or out of cell diffusion?

Oxygen moves into the cell and Carbon Dioxide moves out of the cell due to diffusion

Where does gas exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen happen?

In the alveoli which is in the lungs

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