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The French word "salut" comes from the Latin "salus - salutem".

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Q: Where does the French word salut comes from?
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What does the french word chivalry come from?

Salut: It comes from the Middle English circa 1200-1300. It stemmed from the french word chevalerie which was a deriviative of chevalier.

French word for hello?

salute Bonjour salut!

French word for So Long?

Au revoir or Salut

What is the word garde in french and english?

Salut: The word is french, but in english it is keep or hold (stay in slang usage)

What is the French word for attitude?

Salut: It is the same. In some cases the word caractere may be used.

What is the french word for flea?

CORRECTED: Salut: You say puce. katikkuma

What does the french word salut means?

salut means Hi or goodbye - this is an informal greeting or departing formula and you shouldn't address your boss that way.

What is the french word for Easter eggs?

IMPROVED: Salut: Say l'oeuf de Pâques

French word meaning my name is?

Salut: Je m'apelle [zger ma-pell]