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Q: Where does the Time Traveler's find artifacts from the past?
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What things do archaeolgists find in these directions?

Archaeologists find artifacts buried in ruins and uncover past civilizations that have been lost in time, war, and natural disasters.

What are objects from the past usually survive for a long time called?


What is the name of the scientist that studies artifacts remains of cultures from the past?

An archaeologist studies artifacts and remains from past cultures.

What do artefacts tell us about the past?

Artifacts are objects that provide tangible evidence of past human activities and behaviors. By studying artifacts, archaeologists can learn about the technology, culture, beliefs, and daily lives of people in the past. The analysis of artifacts helps to piece together the story of past societies and understand how they lived, interacted, and evolved over time.

The study of earth layers and the artifacts found in them is called?

The study of earths layer and the artifacts found in them is called archeology. Archeology is used to find out about past organisms.

What kind of scientists study artifacts and ruins from past civilizations?

Archaeologists are the scientists who study artifacts and ruins from past civilizations. They analyze material remains, such as pottery, tools, and buildings, to understand ancient societies, their cultures, and their development over time. Archaeologists also use various techniques to date and interpret these artifacts to reconstruct the past.

Why are artifacts so important to historans?

Artifacts help historians gain information about the past. Historians study artifacts to learn about past civilizations, how they lived, what they ate, what they wore, and more.

What is careful digging to find artifacts called?

The careful digging to find artifacts is called archaeological excavation. This process involves the systematic uncovering and recording of archaeological remains to gather information about past human activities and civilizations.

What can be artifacts?

Artifacts can be any tool from the past made by a human being such as jewelery or tools.

To use artifacts to study the past?


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Why do archaeologists classify the artifacts they find?

Archaeologists classify artifacts to organize and categorize them based on their characteristics, such as material, style, function, and cultural context. This classification helps researchers analyze and interpret the artifacts to better understand past human societies and behaviors.