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Archaeologists are the scientists who study artifacts and ruins from past civilizations. They analyze material remains, such as pottery, tools, and buildings, to understand ancient societies, their cultures, and their development over time. Archaeologists also use various techniques to date and interpret these artifacts to reconstruct the past.

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Q: What kind of scientists study artifacts and ruins from past civilizations?
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Why do archaeologists classify the artifacts they find?

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Archaeologists study artifacts to gain insight into the past, including aspects of human culture, behavior, and technology. By analyzing artifacts such as tools, pottery, and art, archaeologists can reconstruct past societies and understand how people lived and interacted. This field of study helps us piece together historical narratives and better comprehend our shared human history.

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Scientists began to study artifacts to learn about past human societies, cultures, and behaviors. By studying artifacts, scientists can reconstruct the ways people lived, their technology, trade networks, and beliefs. This helps us understand human history and how civilizations evolved over time.

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Why are artifacts so important to historans?

Artifacts help historians gain information about the past. Historians study artifacts to learn about past civilizations, how they lived, what they ate, what they wore, and more.

What are scientists who study human artifacts to learn about past cultures?

They are archaeologists. They analyze artifacts such as tools, pottery, and structures to understand the lifestyles and behaviors of ancient peoples. By studying these remnants of past societies, archaeologists can reconstruct aspects of their daily lives, customs, and technologies.

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What are facts about Archaeology?

Archaeologists study people of the pasts, and how and where they lived. They excavate items and artifacts that were used in past civilizations.

Which would a historian most likely do to piece together clues about the human past?

study written records

Is Scientific intervention is necessary to unearth buried mysteries?

Oh yes, many times, scientists can help decide from what time period artifacts are from. Also, scientists may be needed to help study the artifacts...