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The absorption of excess water from waste and the compaction of any undigestible material (fiber) into feces occurs in the large intestine, which is also called the colon.

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Q: Where does the absorption of water and processing of undigested material occur?
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What do the large intestion do?

The main function of the large intestines is to consolidate and propel unused and undigested food material towards the anus for expulsion. It also provides a site for the manufacture of some vitamins (B and K) that are then absorbed into the blood stream; and is also the last point of water re-absorption Diarrhea is caused by any condition that expels the fecal matter before water re-absorption has had a chance to occur.

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Where absorption of water occur?

large intestine

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How long digestion?

After food is chewed it takes 5-10 seconds for it to pass down the esophagus and into the stomach, where it spends 2-6 hours being partially digested. Final digestion and nutrient absorption occur in the small intestine over a period of 5-6 hours. In 12-24 hours, any undigested material passes through the large intestine, and feces are expelled through the anus.

Is there a timeline for digestion?

After food is chewed it takes 5-10 seconds for it to pass down the esophagus and into the stomach, where it spends 2-6 hours being partially digested. Final digestion and nutrient absorption occur in the small intestine over a period of 5-6 hours. In 12-24 hours, any undigested material passes through the large intestine, and feces are expelled through the anus.

What processes only occur in the large intestine?

Undigested food passes along through the large intestine, here the water is absorbed from the undigested food into the body. Once it has passed along the undigested food ends up in the rectum.

Where does most absorption of nutrients occur?

digestiv system