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Most normal usage of the word "experiences" will not require an apostrophe because the (s) is signifying plurality rather than possession.

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Q: Where does the apostrophe appear in experiences?
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Would 'most students experiences' need an apostrophe?

Yes, the phrase should be "most students' experiences" to show possession by plural students.

Where does the apostrophe go in companies?

"Companies" is the plural "company" and doesn't require an apostrophe unless you are using a plural possessive. With the plural possessive, the apostrophe should appear at the end of the word after the 's'.

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What punctuation marks are used in contractions?

In a contraction, an apostrophe replaces one or more letters.Example: it would = it'd (woul removed)*Note that "multiple apostrophe contractions" are highly irregular, but do appear in speech.should not have = shouldn't've

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No. A spider is a spider and an apostrophe is an apostrophe.

Why does the apostrophe comes after teachers and not before s?

The apostrophe comes after "teachers" in plural possessive forms because it indicates that the possession is shared among the teachers. Placing the apostrophe before the "s" would suggest that only one teacher owns or possesses the item, not multiple teachers together.

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you've is the apostrophe of you have

Does your have an apostrophe?

No, your doesn't have an apostrophe. You're, however, does have an apostrophe because it's a contraction for you and are.

What is the sign for apostrophe?

The sign for an apostrophe is '. It is used to indicate possession or contraction in written language.

What is an apostrophe look like?

This is an apostrophe.( ' )

Where does the apostrophe goes in the word you would?

there is no apostrophe

When to use a apostrophe with will not?

you dont use an apostrophe in will not