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Q: Where does the bodys mechanical digestion completed?
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Where is the mechanical digestion competed?

Mechanical digestion in humans is completed in the stomach.

Most mechanical digestion takes place where?

In the Mouth then the second is the Stomach

What type of digestion is produced by breaking down and chewing food?

Chemical digestion

What are the types of digestion?

Chemical digestion and mechanical digestion

Is a large intestine a mechanical digestion?

Chewing is mechanical digestion.

What does mechanical digestion stand for?

Mechanical digestion stands for the break down of food by chewing. Mechanical digestion is the physical part of the digestion process of the human body.

What type of change that occurs in mechanical digestion?

By definition mechanical digestion is a physical part of digestion.

Is mouth mechanical or chemical digestion?

Saliva begins the chemical digestion of starch. It also is important for the success of mechanical digestion of the mouth, but does not, in its own, perform mechanical digestion.

Is absorption mechanical or chemical digestion?

does absorption occur when mechanical or chemical digestion

Is your tongue involved in mechanical or chemical digestion?

The tongue is involved in mechanical digestion.

Why must mechanical digestion start before mechanical digestion?

Mechanical digestion must come first because it helps break down food

Is tearing crushing ans mashing food the mechanical digestion?

Yes, that is what mechanical digestion is. §§