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No, the Oregon Trail began in the 1830s and 1840s. By the 1880s, the Oregon Trail had long since ended.

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It began in 1841.

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Q: Where does the both the Santa Fe and Oregon Trail begin?
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Where did the Santa Fe and Oregon Trails begin?

The Santa Fe Trail and the Oregon Trail both started in Independence, Missouri.

The oregon trail and Santa Fe trail began in the state of?

Missouri was the beginning of both the Oregon and the Santa Fe trails. The Oregon trail ended in Oregon, and the Santa Fe trail ended in New Mexico.

What are some differences between the Oregon trail and the Trail of Tears?

The Oregon Trail was a group of white americans of eurpean decent that voluntarly walked the trail. The Trail Of Tears was a trail foced to be taken by the Native Americans Both are hard, long and risky trails and they both travel westbund. ~ Sparkly Narwall <3 ~

When did the people on the Oregon Trail leave?

they both neeed help

What did people leave when going on the Oregon trail?

they both neeed help

What is the book called about a 1960 teen girl joins Mormons on Oregon trail falls in love with Mormon then both leave?

The Oregon Trail was not still in existence in 1960...

Why didnt the Mormons take the Oregon Trail?

The trail followed by Mormon pioneers mostly paralleled the Oregon Trail, at times merged with it, and at a few points diverged completely from it. The reason for following the general course of the Oregon trail was primarily because it had been mapped out by traders and trappers several years prior to their own exodus from Nauvoo, Ill. However, because of the adversarial relationship between the Mormons and many immigrants from both Illinois and Missouri (where an "extermination order" was still in effect at that time), the Mormon immigrants opted to follow a course that also followed the Platte river, but on the opposite side from most Oregon-bound parties.

What trails did people use while moving west?

One of the first trails into the West connected New England with land that is now Kentucky and Tennessee. A part of that trail, the National Road, is now known as US 40. The Oregon and the Mormon trail both went from St. Louis, Missouri to Fort Bridger, Wyoming. That this point the two trails split. The Mormon trail continued southwest to the Great Salt Lake. The Oregon trail continued northeast and over the Blue mountains into Oregon. The Santa Fe trail went along the Missouri River and into Colorado, from there it traveled Southwest to what is now New Mexico.

What Missouri town was the starting place for both the Oregon and Santa Fe trails?

Independence, MO.

The starting point for both the Oregon and Santa Fe Trails was the Missouri town of?

independance missouri

What are some major differences and similarities between the Oregon Trail and the Mormon Trail?

1. people died on both of them 2. they both took weeks or even months to travel on and most who tried it had little supplies

How is the Oregon trail and California Trail alike?

Like the Oregon trail the California trail was a long overland route for those who wished to move west. They both followed the same river valley's and trails for most of the trip until they arrived in Idaho, Wyoming or Utah, where they would turn off and go to their respective destinations. Both were popular from the early 1840's until the completion of the First Transcontinental Railroad in 1869. As you probably guessed, they were both similar in length, both being roughly 2,000 miles long.