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The Earth gets energy from the little elves and pixies that ride elephants and do your mum at night which vibrates the ground and turning it into mineclium energy that turns the Earth around the Sun.

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Q: Where does the earth get energy to spin around the sun?
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What does earth spin around?

The sun.

How fast does earth spin around sun?

In its orbit around the Sun, the Earth moves at about 30 km/sec.

What does the earth spin around?

The earthnspins aroun the sun

What does earth do when it spin on its axis?

On its axis Earth rotates around the sun.

Does the sun and moon spin around the earth?

No, the Earth and the Moon revolve together around the Sun. (The Moon orbits the Earth and both orbit the Sun together.)

How long does it takes for earth spin around the sun?

About 365.26 days

Is the earth's rotation around the sun contant?

Rotation refers to spin around the axis.

How does the earth spin and rotate?

no the earth spins on it's axis while rotating around the sun

How many days does the Earth spin around the sun?

It takes approximately 365 days (1 year) for the Earth to orbit the Sun.


this is a stupid question. the earth revoles around the sun.

22. How does Earth get energy from the Sun?

Because the Earth spins around so the Earth can get energy

How many earth days does Mars take to spin around the sun?

it takes 686.98 days for marsto orbit around the sun