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Q: Where does the earth go when rabbits dig tunnels?
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How do rabbits go up rabbit holes?

Usually the opening of their tunnels aren't deep. The tunnels go across the ground, left or right. Rabbits can't climb up tunnels, so the openings should be close to the surface so that the rabbit can hop out easily. The tunnels are probably slightly slanted so it gets deeper without putting the rabbits off balance.

Are there tunnels from pyramids to center of earth?

There are tunnels under some pyramids BUT these do not go down to the center of the earth they only go down a few tens of meters.

If you could dig a tunnel to the center of the earth how long would the tunnel be?

First, it would not be a tunnel because tunnels basically go along sideways rather then down, it would be a well. The radius of the Earth is 6,371 km and this is how deep the well would be.

How do humans go about getting fossil fuels out of the earth?

dig them up!

Why cannot you go to the centre of the earth?

The radius of the earth is more than 6000km,to reach the centre of the earth we have to dig a whole to this depth which is impossible

Is there a certain location of the center of the Earth?

Yes. If you dig down deep enough and go to the right place, you are at or in the center of the Earth.

We cannot go in the centre of the earth?

We cannot go there because if we want to go there we have to dig a hole of 6000km and it is impossible but if we digged it than we were die because of fire and lava it were in centre of the earth.

Where do rabbits migrate?

European rabbits do not hibernate. In their natural habitat of Southwestern Europe, their numbers are declining. But European rabbits have been introduced by man in Australia, New Zealand and South America where they are considered a threat.

Why would a person be unable to dig a tunnel all the way through the middle of earth?

No One Can't Dig A Tunnel In The Middle Of The Earth Because The Tempature Inside Earth Gets Hotter As You Go Deeper. It Is Around 9000F (5000C) In The Center. It Is So Hot Inside Earth That Rocks Melt.

Does earth always have to be capitalized in a sentence?

No, "earth" does not always have to be capitalized. It is only capitalized when it is used as the proper name for the planet (Earth) or when it is the first word in a sentence.

Can you dig through the Earth's core and escape the central gravity there if you found a way to withstand the heat?

No. You can dig TO the centre. But once you go through, then you will experience gravity pulling in the opposite direction.

Is it true that the deeper you go into the Earth the cooler it becomes?

yes it is that is why in the summer time animals dig deep holes to cool down