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Q: Where does the kerb cycle occure in the body?
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What happens during the kerb's cycle?


Explain kerb cycle?

removes carbon dioxide molecules from glucose

What is the main function of the kerb cycle?

carbon dioxide

Where does the Kerb's cycle take place in Prokaryotic cells?


Were does water evaporation occure in the cycle?

Evaporation can be considered as the first step in the water cycle.

What happens to the products in the Kerb's cycle?

help to arrange and fix trash

When does kerb cycle begin?

The Krebs cycle begins after the processes of glycolysis and pyruvate oxidation have taken place in the presence of oxygen. Without oxygen, glycolysis does not go on to pyruvate oxidation and the Krebs cycle, but to fermentation.

Can menstrual cycle occur late?

it sure does occure late in many cases

During which cycle do a series of reactions occure in the mitochondria which release carbon dioxide and produce some ATP?

the Krebs cycle

What does the electron transport chain use the high-energy electron from the kerb cycle for?

a light bulb

What happends to the pyrubic acid druing the Krebs cycle?

Duruing the kerb cycle,Pyrubic Acid is broken down into carbon dioxide in series of energy-extracting reaction.

Should kidney hurt when you about come on monthy cycle?

its different for most but yes. cramps can occure in many different places.