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The udder, just like in a cow. The udder is stationed in the same area as a cow's, only there are just two teats, not four, on that udder.

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Q: Where does the milk come from in a mother horse?
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Is horse milk ok for baby mice?

No. The only milk they should be drinking is their mother's.

What animal does airag come from?

Horse! Airag is fermented horse's milk.

In what year did Abraham Lincoln get kicked by a horse and almost killed and his mother also died of milk sickness?

Lincoln's mother died of milk sickness in 1818 when he was nine years old. I do not know when he was kicked by a horse.

Does the female palomino horse take care of their young?

All horses take care of their young unless they are sick, hurt, or forced to leave it behind. If you have a female Palomino horse who is not taking care of its baby, contact a vet immediately. The baby has to be fed every four hours and if it hasn't gotten its mother's milk before the first hour, it is very likely the horse will die. The milk given from the mother in its first milk is rich with nutrients that are vital in helping the foal's immune system build properly. Have a vet come and check both the baby, and the mother so if there is the possibilty that the foal can be raised by the mother, you can farther explore that. I hope my answer was what you were wanting.

How does the Morgan horse feed its young?

Horses are mammals, so the foal will feed of it's mother's milk.

What is a mustang horse baby's diet?

The mother's milk, and when it get's old enough, a little bit of grass and water.

How long does a baby nini horse feed from its mother?

A few weeks u can tell when the foal cant get any more milk from its mother i hope that helped

What is a mother horse?

A DAM is a mother horse.

What is a baby horse three to six months old separated from its mother called?

When a foal is separated from its mother it is called weaning. It is called that because you wean the foal from the mothers milk

Can a horse have milk without being bread?

yes a horse can have a milk with out it being bread

Does mother cats milk come back after drying up if the kittens nurse again?

yes it does

What does a mother horse do after shes had the baby horse?

The mother horse nudges the baby, to stimulate it and encourage it to stand. Over many minutes, the baby teaches itself to stand, at first wobbly and slowly gaining more balance. As soon as the baby can stand up without falling over, it quickly finds the momma's teat and begins to suckle. Having that first drink of momma's milk is important since the baby gets some immunization from diseases through its mother's milk.