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Q: Where does the number symbol come from?
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Where did the imaginary number symbol i come from?

"i" stands for imaginary. It represents the square root of -1.

What is the symbol number?

The symbol for number is #

What element is not bonded in nature?

Synthetic ElementsQuasi-synthetic elements:Technetium, atomic number 43Promethium, atomic number 61Astatine, atomic number 85Francium, atomic number 87Neptunium, atomic number 93Plutonium, atomic number 94Transuranium elementsAmericium symbol Am, atomic number 95Curium symbol Cm, atomic number 96Berkelium symbol Bk, atomic number 97Californium symbol Cf, atomic number 98Einsteinium symbol Es, atomic number 99Fermium symbol Fm, atomic number 100Mendelevium symbol Md, atomic number 101Nobelium symbol No, atomic number 102Lawrencium symbol Lr, atomic number 103Transactinide elements Rutherfordium symbol Rf, atomic number 104Dubnium symbol Db, atomic number 105Seaborgium symbol Sg, atomic number 106Bohrium symbol Bh, atomic number 107Hassium symbol Hs, atomic number 108Meitnerium symbol Mt, atomic number 109Darmstadtium symbol Ds, atomic number 110Roentgenium symbol Rg, atomic number 111Copernicium symbol Cn atomic number 112Provisional names of Recently observed synthetic elements:Ununtrium symbol Uut, atomic number 113Ununquadium symbol Uuq, atomic number 114Ununpentium symbol Uup, atomic number 115Ununhexium symbol Uuh, atomic number 116Ununseptium symbol Uus, atomic number 117.Ununoctium symbol Uuo, atomic number 118

What does an infinity symbol look like?

An infinity symbol looks like the number 8 turned sideways. This is an infinity symbol: ∞ If for some reason that symbol does not come out properly, you can see the article listed below. There are several graphics of the infinity symbol there.

A symbol or name of a number?

symbol of number= #

What is the symbol of the number e?

e is the symbol of the number e

Is 0 a number or a symbol?

0 is a symbol for the absence of a number.

What are the mad made elements?

Technetium, atomic number 43 Promethium, atomic number 61 Astatine, atomic number 85 Francium, atomic number 87 Neptunium, atomic number 93 Plutonium, atomic number 94 Transuranium elements Americium symbol Am, atomic number 95 Curium symbol Cm, atomic number 96 Berkelium symbol Bk, atomic number 97 Californium symbol Cf, atomic number 98 Einsteinium symbol Es, atomic number 99 Fermium symbol Fm, atomic number 100 Mendelevium symbol Md, atomic number 101 Nobelium symbol No, atomic number 102 Lawrencium symbol Lr, atomic number 103 Transactinide elements Rutherfordium symbol Rf, atomic number 104 Dubnium symbol Db, atomic number 105 Seaborgium symbol Sg, atomic number 106 Bohrium symbol Bh, atomic number 107 Hassium symbol Hs, atomic number 108 Meitnerium symbol Mt, atomic number 109 Darmstadtium symbol Ds, atomic number 110 Roentgenium symbol Rg, atomic number 111

What is the number above the elements symbol?

the number above the symbol is the atomic....... of that element.

Does the dollar sign come before or after the number?

Depends on the protocol of the country/publication/establishment. The currency symbol is most often placed before the number, but not always.

What is the symbol and the number of protons of lithium?

The symbol is Li, and the number of protons(or atomic number) is 3.

What does subtracting a negative number is the same as adding a positive number mean?

Example; 8-(-2) = 10 is the same as.......8+2 =10When you subtract a negative number, the subtraction symbol (-) and negative symbol(-) come together and you are now adding because it is a now a positive number (+). This is the simplist way I can describe it.