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He doesn't hide when talking to Juliet, although it is sometimes played like that. In the party scene (1,5), Romeo is sometimes shown grabbing her hand from behind a pillar or something. This is silly, since there is no reason for him to hide. In the balcony scene (2,2) Romeo is in the garden under Juliet's window watching her. He doesn't have to hide because it is dark, and she can't see him. He is "bescreen'd in night"; he has "night's cloak to hide me". He can't see her all that well either; she says "the mask of night is on my face." Once he decides to speak to Juliet, of course, there is no reason to hide from her, and in fact he wants to do just the opposite. However, she still can't see him, because she recognizes not his face, but his voice. "My ears have yet not drunk a hundred words of that tongue's utterance, yet I know the sound." In many modern productions, Romeo climbs up to the balcony so he can get into physical contact with her, but in the original productions he did not climb up and she probably didn't see him during the entire scene even though he is standing right there, because it is so dang dark.

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The nurse tells Juliet that Romeo is hidden in Friar Laurence's cell.

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