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oxygen from lungs pass to the blood capilleries in which it enter in red blood cells which carry 4 molecules of oxygen by combinig with one molecule of Hb Oxygen from blood transfer to cells where it helps in metabolic reaction and cellular respiration.

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Q: Where does the oxygen from the lungs pass to?
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What organs supply blood with oxygen in mammals?

the lungs supply the blood with oxygen, within the lungs there are alveoli which have a very thin membrane which allows oxygen to pass into the capillaries that run into the lungs hope i helped

What gases pass from the blood to the lungs?

blood takes oxygen and gives carbon dioxide to the lungs

What organ does oxygen pass from into capillaries?

It is the heart that pumps fresh oxygen in the blood.

Where does the oxygen pass into the blood in the breathing system?

In the capillaries surrounding the alveoli in the lungs

What is the general function of the lung?

the specific function of the lungs is to help air pass throw the the lungs another answer is when you breath the air (oxygen) goes into the lungs

Do the lungs take carbon dioxide from the blood?

No. Your lungs pass oxygen into the blood and also pass carbon dioxide to the air outside your body. Oxygen combines with carbon to form carbon dioxide. This happens in our muscles, among other places.

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Where is the oxygen obtained by mammals?

Mammals take in oxygen from the air they breathe. High concentrations of oxygen in the lungs replenish the oxygen-poor red blood cells that pass through. The cells then carry the oxygen through the body.

If you have 3 liters of air in your lungs and 2 tenths of that is oxygen how many milliliters of oxygen are in your lungs?

If you have 3 liters of air in your lungs and 2 tenths of that is oxygen, how many milliliters of oxygen are in your lungs?

Why are we breathless during exercise?

Because your body requires more oxygen and to get this it needs more air to pass through the lungs.

What organ does oxygen pass from into the capillaries?

I believe its the alveoli in the lungs. These alveoli provide a large surface area for gaseous exchange.

What structure does oxygen pass through?

your lungs... if this doesnt help you go on google or bing tht is what i go to if this doesnt help me