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They move into mitochondria. There O2 is used for aerobic respiration

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Q: Where does the oxygen go in cells when inhaled?
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Inhaled oxygen diffuses through the walls of the?


Where does oxygen go after its inhaled?

i forgot

Which contains more oxygen inhaled air or exhaled air?

Inhaled air contains more oxygen than exhaled air because the cells have not yet used that oxyginated air.

Inhaled oxygen diffuses through the walls of what?

Inhaled oxygen diffuses through the walls of the alveoli in the lungs into the surrounding capillaries, where it binds to hemoglobin in red blood cells for transport to tissues in the body.

What oxygenates the blood?

The red blood cells pick up oxygen from the air that is inhaled into the lungs. When the red cells pick up the oxygen from the air, they expel carbon dioxide into the lungs to be exhaled.

Do you exhale to remove excess oxygen from the lungs?

No- exhaling removes carbon dioxide from your lungs- along with nitrogen that you had inhaled, and any oxygen that was not transferred to red blood cells.

Is oxygen inhaled?


What is the concentration of oxygen in inhaled air?

Exhaled air contains 16% oxygen and 21% when inhaled.

Where does carbon dioxide exerted by the lungs come from?

From the mitochondria ( powerhouse of cells ) in cells that produces energy from oxygen inhaled and relieves carbon dioxide through osmosis in blood stream which then is exchanged by lungs for oxygen we inhale and the cycle continues.

What level inhaled oxygen?

21% of the air we inhale is oxygen

What substance needed by the body cells enters the body through the lungs?

O2 and Co2, but we breathe out the Co2 again + the O2 which is converted in more Co2

What happens to the Oxygen that is inhaled?

When you inhale, oxygen is absorbed by the lungs and transferred to the bloodstream through the alveoli. From there, it is carried by red blood cells to all the cells in the body where it is used in the process of cellular respiration to produce energy. Carbon dioxide, a waste product of this process, is then transported back to the lungs and exhaled.