

Where does the sound croak come from?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Where does the sound croak come from?
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What is the sound of a frog?

The sound a frog makes is called a "Croak".

What is the sound produced by frogs called?

It is called a 'croak', and its onomatopoeia in American English is 'ribbit'.

What do you call an animal who croaking of a?

Amphibians like frogs and toads make the croak sound. There are no other animals that croak. The call of a raven might be described by many people as a croak.

What time of year do frogs croak and why?

they croak all year and it is just their sound , I mean you couldn't say what time of year do humans talk and why , now could you?

Fire belly toads croak for what reasons?

If you mean croak as died there could be many reasons. One, they could have eaten something poisonous. Two, it could have dehydrated or not eaten enough. Three, it could have come into contact with a chemical such as bleach. There are many more reasons. If you mean croak as in the sound they make, fire-belly toads usually croak when looking for a mate, warning another frog of a predator, or warning the predator it is poisonous.

What part of speech is croak?

Croak is a noun (a croak) and a verb (to croak).

What is a nocturnal bird with a croak type call?

The common nighthawk is rarely seen during the day but can be seen at dawn or dusk. It makes a croak type of call and is considered partially nocturnal. Another bird that may make a croak sound is the Chuck-will's-widow.

What does a spotted marsh frogs croak sound like?

Like two stones being knocked together.

What is a ribbet?

Ribbet is the sound a frog makes (like a croak). It's also a popular online photo editor.

When was Alex Croak born?

Alex Croak was born in 1984.

When was James Croak born?

James Croak was born in 1951.

What sound does the yellow legged frog make?

well, frogs burp, and it makes a vibration, so loud, causing it to make a sound.